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Guilloume Fine Art

Guilloume Fine Art





Bronze Reliefs

I believe art to be one of the universal languages and I have always sought to create beauty that speaks to people from all corners of the earth. From all walks of life. From all political spectra. From all age groups.
— Guilloume


Creating Art since 1975

Creating Art since 1975

My subjects are purposely devoid of recognizable facial features. If I provide the viewer with identifiable characteristics, then I play a part in accentuating the differences between people. Instead, I prefer to underscore the similarities common to all humanity.
— Guilloume

Oil Paintings

The greatest joy for Guilloume is giving shape to the expression of human unity through his art form.


The objective of Guilloume as a sculptor is to transform unorganized raw matter into something that has shape, meaning, and beauty. Order from chaos.

When I look at a person, I see beyond the persona and the temporary attributes of age, beauty and style. It is there that I find the circles and roundish forms that create the essence of the human figure and define my preferred artistic style—Bolismo.
— Guilloume
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Books and Ebooks

Books and Ebooks


Click on video below to watch

My Dream became a reality


Click below to view e-book



Atelier Visits

Atelier Visits

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 (505) 550-3297


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Home of the Artist